Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

We have listed the frequently asked questions.
If your question is not answered here, please feel free to
contact CLASS EARTH customer support at .


I forgot my login password

If you click "Forgot your password?" on the login screen, you will receive instructions to reset your password, so please follow the instructions.

I forgot my login email address

Please contact CLASS EARTH customer support with the following information.

・Name of the orderer
・Orderer's phone number

I am not receiving emails from CLASS EARTH.

There are cases where inquiries replies and email newsletters sent are rejected by the receiving server.

Measure 1◆Confirm your email address
If you use an email address that contains consecutive periods (.) in your carrier email, etc. on your smartphone, you may not be able to send or receive emails correctly.
(Example: class…
If the email address applies, please contact us using a different email address.

Measure 2 ◆ Domain specification permission
Please allow specified email reception from the following domains.
*In particular, if you are using an ``au'' or ``softbank'' device and have set the ``spoofed email rejection setting,'' please be sure to specify the domain in the ``valid list'' and ``relief list'' of the spoofed email rejection setting. I will do it.

What payment methods are available?

You can use the following payment methods.

・Credit card payment (VISA , MASTER , JCB, American Express)

Can I have a receipt?

Receipts issued by our shop will be issued in PDF format.
If you would like a receipt, please contact CLASS EARTH customer support ( ) using the information below.

・Order number (can be found in your order completion email or on your account page)
・Name of the orderer
·email address

When will it arrive?

CLASS EARTH's products are embroidered one by one after you place your order, and each item is sent to you as a unique product.
Thank you for your understanding that it may take several days for delivery.

Pre-ordered products: Products will be shipped sequentially from the scheduled delivery date stated in the product details.
Apparel products: Products will be shipped within one month from the date of order. (Excluding year-end and New Year holidays, long holidays, and Golden Week period)
Other products: Products will be shipped within 10 business days from the date of order. (Excluding year-end and New Year holidays, long holidays, and Golden Week period)


I want to specify the delivery date

<Apparel products>
We accept your request on the order screen.
CLASS EARTH's products are embroidered one by one after you place your order, and the completed product is sent to you as a unique product.
Due to the work process, it may be difficult to deliver on the desired delivery date.
Please note that in that case, our customer support will contact you and discuss another desired date.
<Other products>
We do not accept requests for delivery dates. Thank you for your understanding.

How much is the shipping cost?

Free shipping for purchases over 10,000 yen.
For purchases of 10,000 yen or less, the amount will be displayed on the purchase screen, so please check the amount.

I received a defective item or a different item from what I ordered.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Please email CLASS EARTH Customer Support ( ) with the following information within one week of receiving the product .

・Name of the orderer
·Your phone number
·email address
・Order number (*Listed in the order confirmation email sent from our shop after placing your order)
・Product name, number of products
・Reason for exchange or return

I want to change the shipping address

Please contact CLASS EARTH customer support at .

I ordered by mistake

Please contact CLASS EARTH customer support at .

<Apparel products> What is the desired number?

All CLASS EARTH products are assigned an exclusive number.
After receiving your order, we will embroidery the exclusive number onto the tag and deliver it to you.
By adding a number, it becomes a one-of-a-kind product just for you.
When ordering, we accept requests for an exclusive number to be embroidered.
You will be asked to enter your desired serial number on the screen when ordering, but as this is a unique serial number, we may not be able to fulfill your request if the serial number is already occupied. Thank you for your understanding.
In that case, please contact customer support and ask for the other desired number.

Can you do gift wrapping?

<Apparel products>
All CLASS EARTH products are delivered in special boxes.
The box can be used as a gift as is, but if you wish, we also have gift cards that can be personalized with your own words. Please select it when ordering.
<Other products>
We do not accept gift wrapping. Please note.

I want to give a special gift

CLASS EARTH can also help you make gifts for your loved ones a special experience.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any special gift requests, such as ``I want to send flowers along with it'' or ``I want to send it with a handwritten message.''
You can also consult with us about your plans, such as, ``I want to give you a special gift, but I don't know what kind of gift.'' Please feel free to contact CLASS EARTH customer support ( ).

<Apparel product> Since this is not a gift, a gift box is not required. Can you send it without a box?

We also accept shipping without a gift box or shopper.
If you choose no gift wrapping, we will donate ¥2,000 to our affiliated environmental protection organization in addition to the regular donation.
Please select this if you do not need a gift box.

Other questions

If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact CLASS EARTH customer support ( ).